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Monthly Specials

Price List:
20-Day Full Body Cleanse: $1100
20-Day Going Vegan: $1100
10-Day Colon Cleanse: $625

20-DAY FULL BODY CLEANSE + 10 Colonics

Claremot Colonic Specials
A safe and effective 20-day, herbal-based cleanse that helps you work towards ensuring that your entire body is functioning at an optimal level This includes: Your immune, circulatory, digestive, and respiratory systems, as well as the organs, vessels and more!

Benefits Include:
  • Dropping between 10-30 pounds
  • Enhanced energy levels
  • Enhanced Immune support
  • Reduced sugar and other junk cravings
  • Clearer mind and focus
  • 20-DAY GOING VEGAN + 10 Colonics

    A 20-Day Cleansing. Going vegan may be your new ticket to health! This challenges you to maintain a vegan diet for 20 days, giving your body the rest it may truly need. 90% of today’s degenerative conditions stem from a poor, deficient diet.
    Benefits Include:
  • Improved brain function
  • Reduced risk of type 2 diabetes
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Promotion of weight loss
  • Claremont Colonic Resolution

    10-DAY COLON CLEANSE + 5 Colonics

    Claremont Colonic Specials
    A 10-Day Herbal Colon Cleanse that focuses on cleansing your colon while assisting with colon and intestinal condition.

    Benefits Include:
  • Promotion of regular bowel movements
  • Energy production support
  • Enhanced peristalsis
  • Assisted weight release (5 – 15 pounds)
  • Resolution!

    DETOX! CLEANSE! RENEW! for Only $650!
    3 Colonics
    3 Lymphatic Detoxes (a $795 Value. Save $145)

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