Put a checkmark in each box for the symptoms you are now experiencing. Date the page and keep it for future reference. See how many things have improved after alkalizing for 2-3 months.
Measure the pH of your saliva and urine the first thing when you get up. Ingestion of food, liquid, tobacco, or toothpaste can give you a false reading. Litmus or pH paper can be obtained from your naturopath or sometimes a health food store, or email me at or call Claremont Colonic Center at (909)603-9200. Cost can vary from .10 per strip to about $14 per roll.
pH paper will only give you a rough estimate. The presence of physical signs is a better indication of your alkalinity/acidity.
pH paper colors vary by brand. It’s important to match the color of the paper you have just touched to your saliva or urine to the picture on the box or color panel of the pH paper. Keep the pH paper in a cool, dark place so the colors on the picture do not fade over time.
For the Urine (First elimination only and after eating the foods you would normally eat.) Urine pH tells you how your body handled the food you ate the day before. Ideally you want to check your urine after a minimum of 5 hours of sleep. If your sleep is interrupted, take the reading after the longest sleep and record how long you slept. As you alkalize and your health improves, your sleep will be sounder. You only need one base-line reading for the urine.
Here’s what the numbers mean. A three-day monitoring period is suggested in Your Health, Your Choice, but for now, we will just do baseline with one reading.
Note: The goal is to produce a urinary pH of 6.4-7.0 the first void of the day.
Alkaline urine following an acid meal is the result of the body adapting to protect itself. After several years of this it can’t do it any longer and then your body really suffers in the form of chronic illness.
Now for the Saliva reading:
If the pH is more acid after a meal than before, the pH response was distorted by emotions that affect physiology. Negative emotions give us an acid body. This situation puts extreme strain on the body. Excessive strenuous exercise only increases the acid level. So, do you understand why overweight and sick people don’t want to exercise?
- If the pH stays the same before and after a meal and is in the range of 5.5 – 5.8 then the body is extremely acid and has inadequate reserves.
- Saliva pH readings should increase after eating a meal.
- If the reading was 6.8 before eating and 8.0 or higher after the meal this is ideal.
- If the reading was 6.2 before eating and higher after the meal, this is good and there are mineral reserves available.
- If the reading was 5.5 before eating and higher after the meal, this is acceptable and there are some reserves available.
Notes: If your saliva reading is high after eating a protein and refined carbohydrate meal and low when you eat raw fruits and vegetables, this shows that your alkaline reserve is very low. When you have enough organic sodium (salt from the shaker is inorganic and dead and not useful to your cells), the urine pH registers as an acid after you have eaten acid ash foods. If your sodium reserve is low, your urine pH will register greater than 7.0 after you eat predominantly acid foods.
Here is a list of acid producing foods that need to be balanced and decreased from your diet to increase your alkaline reserve. How many of these do you eat regularly? If you “must” have them, cut back on the volume initially.