5 Ways to Ensure You Don’t Die in Your Sleep

5 Ways to Ensure You Don't Die in Your Sleep

Claremont Colonic Newsletter
Here’s what to watch for.
Film fans everywhere were shocked by the recent death of actor Ray Liotta, who reportedly died in his sleep on May 26 at the age of 67. This comes a few months after comedian Bob Saget, 65, died from a head injury while he was sleeping. While passing away during sleep seems peaceful and preferable to many, when it happens to people in their 60s (relatively young these days), it can seem scary. Although we don’t know Liotta’s cause of death, experts say 90% of sudden, unexpected deaths at night are caused by cardiac arrest. Here’s how to avoid that, if at all possible.

1. Be Vigilant About Medications

People who have heart and lung disease and who take medication that affects the brain (including sedatives, antidepressants or pain medicine) have the greatest risk of dying in their sleep, Dr. Sumeet Chugh, medical director of Cedars-Sinai’s Heart Rhythm Center, told the Wall Street Journal recently. He advised people in that group talk to their doctors about reducing risk. “Talk to your physicians again and say, ‘Listen, do I need this extra sedative? Maybe I can try to manage with one instead of two.'” Even if that doesn’t apply to you, being aware of potential interactions between medications, not to mention alcohol and other substances, is increasingly important as you get older.

2. Be Aware of Sleep Apnea Symptoms

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) causes people to stop breathing for periods during sleep as soft tissues collapse into the airway. The body wakes up slightly so breathing can resume, repeating the process several times a night. If it sounds exhausting, your body agrees: Sleep apnea can raise the risk of heart disease and sudden cardiac arrest. The condition is treatable, but experts say 80 to 90 percent of people with sleep apnea are undiagnosed. The prime symptom: Snoring. If you do it chronically, consult your doctor.

3. Don’t Ignore Chest Pain

Chest pain isn’t like a headache or hangover—trying to “sleep it off” could be a fatal mistake. Experts say that if you experience even mild discomfort, pressure, tightness or squeezing in the chest area; pain in the neck, jaw, back or shoulders; shortness of breath; or lightheadedness, it could be a sign of a heart attack. Call 911 immediately.

4. Be Vigilant About Heart Health

Regular physical exams will keep you up-to-date on your heart health. Many heart problems or signs of heart disease can be identified with a routine EKG. Year round, practicing heart-healthy habits—eating a healthy diet, getting regular exercise, avoiding tobacco, and drinking alcohol only in moderation—can go a long way.

5. Get Enough Quality Sleep

Sleep isn’t a health risk—far from. Not getting enough quality sleep on a regular basis has been linked with a variety of health problems, from obesity and diabetes to dementia and heart disease. Last month, scientists said they’ve determined the ideal amount of sleep for people in middle and old age: Seven hours a night. Getting six hours or less has been associated with cardiovascular disease.

Contributor: Michael Martin – Eat This, Not That!

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